
Artist Image

Photo: Manu Desobeau

Image Description: The photo is in black and white and shows the 2 members of the band indoor, looking to their left side. One is showing something to the other with her hand. We don't see what they are looking at.


Centreville is the alternative electro pop-rock project of the Anger Ltd. duo, initiated by Jérôme and Cécile. Their music is rooted in their European background (avant rock, indie French pop, new wave of the 80s, electronic and classical) and their lyrics are a reflection of their life in the Yukon. It might be happy, melancholic, angry but it's always sincere and genuine. After they released two recordings in 2021 (the pop-rock Centreville’s L.P entitled M.A.P.S and the Anger Ltd.’s E.P Intermediate Level, more electronic music oriented), they have decided to perform live as a duo (vocals, guitar, sequencer, sampler, keyboards, drum machines). They just can’t stand still and are in constant evolution!